
Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a very short stemmed plant that looks like cactus.
It is a member of Liliceae family. It grows up to 50–100 cm tall, with thick grey-green leaves. It was long known to the ancient Greeks (Dioscorides mentions that ancient Greeks often used aloe vera gel, in order to heal skin diseases).

Aloe gel has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds that help prevent wound infections; this is why it is used widely for the treatment of burns and skin afflictions. It can also be used as a moisturizer for oily skin. “Aloe vera juice is used for relief of digestive issues such as heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome although it bears significant potential to be toxic when taken orally”(Wikipedia). 

This herb is widely used by cosmetic companies in the  production of many everyday products (tissues, shampoos, soaps, etc)
Aloe vera gel can be used externally to heal wounds of many kinds. 
Aloe juice should not be taken internally especially during pregnancy or menstruation, or in cases of rectal bleeding. Nursing mothers should avoid internal use of aloe.

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